Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Environment Agency confident over CRC deadline

The Environment Agency is increasingly confident that the vast majority of
organisations required to participate in the government's Carbon Reduction
Commitment (CRC) scheme will meet this week's deadline to register. has learned that between 2,600 and 2,700 organisations
have now registered as full participants in the scheme, meaning that the
Environment Agency is just a few hundred short of the roughly 3,000
organisations it expects to be covered by the scheme.

The government had originally said that around 5,000 businesses and public
sector bodies would be required to take part in the carbon pricing and
energy efficiency scheme. However, it has subsequently revised the number of
full participants down after a larger than expected number of conglomerates
registered with the Environment Agency, meaning that between 3,000 and 3,500
organisations are now expected to participate in the scheme.

"We are expecting another couple of hundred to register before the Thursday
deadline and are hopeful that we will get through the 3,000 mark," said a
spokeswoman for the agency, which is tasked with managing the scheme.

Under the rules of the CRC, organisations which use more than 6,000MWh of
electricity a year must register as participants in the scheme and provide
annual information on their energy use. Meanwhile, all organisations with a
half-hourly electricity meter have to register as an information declarer,
confirming that they do not use enough energy to qualify for the scheme.

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