Wednesday, 6 October 2010

BSI Companies Can Cut Energy Costs by up to 30

too many organizations use too much energy. This is simply because they are
not looking closely and systematically enough at their energy usage. A
powerful new

tool will allow companies to reduce costs considerably. The BSI Kitemark(R)
scheme for Energy Reduction Verification (ERV) will verify and certify those

organizations that achieve a reduction in carbon emissions through lower
energy consumption. Businesses will not only be able to cut costs, they will
also be

contributing to the global efforts on fighting climate change.

Rob Wallis, BSI Managing Director, EMEA Region confirms: "We know by
experience that companies can save as much as 30% in energy costs. This can
be achieved

through an energy efficiency programme managed from A to Z to make sure that
all aspects are taken into account".

It has been estimated that in the UK, there are 5,000 heavy energy users -
with an annual electricity demand of over 6,000MWh - who are required by the

government to register for the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) Energy
Efficiency Scheme, the UK's new energy efficiency scheme by 30 September.

Missing this deadline could cost companies thousands of pounds in fines.
With only days to go it is surprising to see that of those companies
required to

participate still only about 50% have registered.

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