A fresh call for an expanded energy efficiency target from environmentalists claims that the UK could boost the British economy by £62bn.
At a time where the 20% by 2020 targets are looming large over the heads of the government – in which the UK and other members of the European Union have committed to a 20% market share for renewables and 20% emissions cut by the end of the decade – the WWF has claimed that UK should be setting the bar even higher, and could see significant financial rewards for doing so.
WWF gained access to an unpublished EU study carried out by independent consultants Cambridge Econometrics, thanks to an access to information request.
In the study, figures serve to highlight the benefits of, not just bringing in renewable commercial energy sources, but the huge potential gain by engineering the economy itself to use less energy.
via Could a New Energy Efficiency Target Give the UK a £62bn Boost?.
Could a New Energy Efficiency Target Give the UK a £62bn Boost?
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