New energy projects will help boost UK's economy
Opinion Former News
IET: Energy – The Big Six: comment from Europe’s largest engineers’ group
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Europe’s largest engineers’ body, with 150,000 members in 127 countries, has commented on the recent summit held by Prime Minister David Cameron, and Energy Secretary Chris Huhne, with the six biggest power firms, consumer groups, and the regulator Ofgem.
CPA: Industry Launches Green Deal Opportunities Publication
A publication outlining the Green Deal Opportunities for Industry has been published jointly by the Construction Products Association Green Deal Project Team and the Energy Efficiency Partnership for Homes.
IET: Electricity Market Reform: Action needed to ensure sufficient generation gets built
If the UK is to keep to its environmental commitments then electricity market reform (EMR) needs to quickly facilitate investment in new large scale generation, whilst enabling transition to a low carbon energy system over the next ten years, say the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).
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Over 1,600 jobs will be created in the UK as part of an initiative to secure the nation's long-term energy supply, according to prime minister David Cameron's speech in Oslo yesterday.
The UK-Norway energy partnership, a bilateral agreement between the UK and Norway, will focus on strengthening the energy links between the two countries, with the goal of ensuring a secure and affordable energy supply for both countries into the future.
At the heart of the partnership will be a joint business advisory group to find ways to incentivize investment and encourage innovative energy technologies.
The executives of ten major energy companies, worth a combined £400 billion, are set to take part in the initiative, working together on issues such as environmentally sensitive oil exploration, electricity interconnection, and stable long-term oil and gas supplies.
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