E.ON has announced a series of improvements for its small and medium business customers, including new industry standards for business sales by energy brokers and a customer panel to reflect the views of business. The changes form part of the company's Reset Review which was launched in January to examine every aspect of its relationship with its customers.Tony Cocker, Chief Executive of E.ON UK, said: "One of our key aims continues to be the improvement of sales standards for small business customers across the entire industry, which is why we’re launching a full code of practice for business energy brokers and will be approaching other energy suppliers to invite them to sign up to this single code too."
Reset Review update on initiatives for small businesses
Reset Review update on initiatives for small businesses
Changes that have been made within the first three months of the Reset Review as well as new measures to be implemented over the coming weeks and months include:
New Code of PracticeOver 50% of all small businesses use a broker to switch energy supplier but there are currently no minimum standards in place to protect small businesses throughout the sales process. To improve sales standards across the industry E.ON is launching a full Code of Practice for SME business energy brokers which sets out the standards it expects them to adhere to when selling to customers and hopes that other energy firms will adopt this single independent set of principles. The code will ensure the product offered is appropriate to the needs of the customer and make the entire sales process a more transparent and positive experience. The energy supplier will be working with all of its SME business energy brokers/consultants to implement the set of principles as part of their sales processes and intends to operate these principles as standard from 31 July.http://www.smeweb.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3602:eon-improvements&catid=59:news&Itemid=105
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