This is a guest post by Philip Petersen, CEO of ad infinitum.
The seed for this article was sown by Sarah Lacy when she stated she was not writing enough about “admittedly boring infrastructure or enterprise software names.” Boring? How can anyone think that about data centre energy management software! Then Mark Goldenson discovered that “only 2% of TechCrunch stories are about enterprise companies.” And that did it – time for action. So, this is for enterprise software and some other boring sectors, too!
There are so many great technology companies out there that get no exposure because most of the mainstream media ignores them. It seems to me sometimes that the word “technology” has been hijacked by journalists to refer almost exclusively to consumer-oriented tech – ecommerce, mobile, apps and social media and so on. Exciting though these are, what about the rest – the unknown technology innovators out there who are trying to create great solutions for business or for medicine or whatever? Perhaps they don’t even come from Silicon Valley or Silicon Roundabout. Perhaps, shock horror, they don’t have VC-backing nor a pre-revenue $1 billion valuation. (Perhaps they should but that is another story). What they do, though, is address $billion markets – such as data centre energy management.
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