Monday, 11 April 2011

Npower reveals nearly half of businesses want the Carbon Reduction Commitment scrapped

Npower has conducted new research revealing that, on the first anniversary of its implementation, UK businesses want the Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme (CRC) scrapped.

The research reveals that companies not only want to see an end to the scheme, but over a quarter (29%) also said they do not think the Carbon Reduction Commitment will help the UK meet its carbon reduction targets - one of its key aims.

The government proposed several changes to the scheme as part of its Comprehensive Spending Review and as such, financial incentives which were originally included in the scheme were removed. Nearly half of businesses (43%) said they want financial incentives reintroduced and 40% of organisations said that now the CRC is effectively a tax, there is no incentive for businesses to reduce their carbon emissions - another important reason why the scheme was introduced in the first place.

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