Thursday, 2 December 2010

North East-based renewable energy centre Narec will reveal details of its involvement on a new £6m project

North East-based renewable energy centre Narec will reveal details of its
involvement on a new £6m, pan-European project at a major industry event
next week. The nationally-focused organisation, which pioneers clean energy technology,
will tell market leaders from across the UK about its Europe-wide work at
the Solar Flair 10 conference in Chester-le-Street, County Durham.

The conference, organised by the County Durham Development Company (CDDC)
will bring together key figures from the photovoltaic technology industry,
as well as executives from industries that could play a lead role in the
nation's solar energy drive in the coming years.

Blyth-headquartered Narec has recently been enlisted to help develop several
European projects that, when combined, are valued at over £20m.

The latest of these is a contract for its photovoltaic division to work on
20Plus - a three-year project worth around £6m to nine project partners that
span six countries.

Dr Alex Cole, business development manager specialising in PV technology at
Narec, will give further details of the project at Solar Flair 10, as well
as explaining his work with crystalline silicon PV technology.

Speaking ahead of the event, Dr Cole said: "In the 20Plus project, major
European industry and research institutes have come together to develop the
next generation of crystalline silicon solar cells with efficiencies over
20% and thicknesses less than 100 micro metres, thus reducing cell cost and
PV energy payback time.

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