Thursday, 19 August 2010

Eco makeover saves contact centre £50,000 in 18 months

Gateshead-based contact centre and fulfilment specialist, Spark Response, has saved over £50,000 through a sustained project reducing the amount of energy that the company uses and embarking upon a large-scale recycling drive which saved the company £26,000 in 2009 and a further £24,000 so far in 2010. *

The company's carbon footprint has also reduced with carbon emissions being cut by 12 tonnes per month on average. During 2010, 71 tonnes of CO2 have been saved compared to the same period last year (January to June), equating to an 18 per cent reduction year-on-year.

Pre-empting the Government's introduction of the carbon reduction commitment, Spark's Quality Manager, Lindsey Pearson, (pictured above) was charged with implementing the company's ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, which is one of a series of international standards for environmental management and forms part of the company's own internal environmental programme, Project Focus.

One of Lindsey's first tasks was to address the company's business electricity consumption and introduce methods to minimise it.  Notices and stickers were put up near all light switches and machinery to prevent appliances being left on unnecessarily, and auto-sensors were installed in the toilets. This activity, coupled with investment from Spark into more environmentally friendly appliances and accessories, contributed towards the £26,000 saving. During 2009, the company achieved an energy saving of 15% when compared to 2008, despite increased business volumes.

Lindsey said: "The success of Project Focus, and more specifically the energy reduction drive, has relied heavily on the co-operation of all members of staff and it is encouraging to see the results that have been achieved in a relatively short period of time. So far everyone has embraced and complied with the new system and this led to us making a significant financial saving, as well as massively reducing our waste output, which is vitally important for our local and wider environment."

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